Integrating SEL and School Safety into Teaching and Learning Practices and into the Climate and Culture of Schools
This online panel discussion focuses on the issues and significance of integrating SEL and School Safety into teaching and learning practices and into the climate and culture of schools.
Center staff facilitate a conversation with LEAs and SEAs to discuss major issues they faced with integrating SEL into their daily routines. Panelists describe successes, challenges, and barriers to effective integration, lessons learned, and ways SEAs and LEAs can work together and support each other in their integration efforts.
Learn more and view the archived webinar.
Featured Panelists:
Lucy A. Vezzuto
Coordinator, Student Mental Health, Social-emotional Learning & School Climate
Orange County Department of Education
Myron Melton
Education Program Consultant
Kansas State Department of Education
Kay Augustine
Education Program Consultant, School Climate Transformation Grant Director
Iowa Department of Education
Kristana Rogers
Senior Administrator, Secondary Science
Wake County Public Schools