Lauren Trout serves as a Technical Assistance provider for the national Center to Improve Social & Emotional Learning and School Safety.
Trout is also a Program Associate for the Resilient and Healthy Schools and Communities team at WestEd, and works with schools, communities, and larger education and justice systems to provide training, coaching, and technical support around equity, climate and culture, conflict resolution, and harm prevention.
A restorative justice practitioner by profession, Trout uses restorative theory to shift trauma-informed practice, social-emotional wellbeing, and relationship-centered learning from being siloed programs into being paradigms, collective values, and guiding principles that inform and are embedded in structures and organizational culture. Trout specializes in using a restorative justice paradigm to transform systems of power, helping create climates that are inclusive, safe, and anti-oppressive.
Before WestEd, Trout ran restorative justice programs for the Jefferson Parish District Attorney’s Office and Jefferson Parish Public School System in Louisiana. There, Trout facilitated victim-offender dialogues as an alternative to court and oversaw the implementation of restorative practices for the school district. As a trainer, facilitator, speaker, and consultant, Trout has experience spanning local and national levels of education and criminal justice systems.
Trout lives in New Orleans, LA and uses they/them and she/her pronouns.
Contact Lauren Trout at [email protected].