Learning From Young People About How Safe and Supportive Conditions at Home Can Inform School Climate
Joseph Mosley, Amber Valdez; Center to Improve Social and Emotional Learning and School Safety
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Companion Video
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Staff from CISELSS spoke with five students spanning elementary, middle, and high school from Education for Change Public Schools in Oakland, California, in a virtual focus group. Staff members from Education for Change also interviewed nine students to learn more about their experiences learning from home. For the focus group, CISELSS staff invited students to share their honest reflections about how they experienced learning from home during the pandemic, including how their home environments have been more responsive than their school environments to their needs as learners. Rather than emphasizing what did not work while students were learning from home, we designed our inquiry to hear from students about what was positive about learning from home and how their experiences could inspire efforts to improve school climate.
The companion video features participating students in their own voices.