Ten Criteria for Describing and Selecting SEL Frameworks
Dale A. Blyth; Teresa Borowski; Camille A. Farrington; Patrick Kyllonen; Roger P. Weissberg; Establishing Practical Social-Emotional Competence Assessments Work Group
This brief provides criteria for rating the extent to which an SEL framework is conceptually clear, is based on evidence, and has different types of implementation supports.
This brief is the third in a series of three. The briefs are based on the efforts of the Assessment Work Group (AWG) and its Establishing Practical Social-Emotional Competence Assessments of Preschool to High School Students Project. The project recognizes the importance of solid SEL frameworks to guide not only how one measures SEL, but also how one thinks about it, communicates it, and acts upon it. The AWG’s series of framework briefs is designed to help practitioners better understand and grapple with the challenges and opportunities multiple SEL frameworks can present.
The first brief in the series, SEL Frameworks – What Are They and Why Are They Important?, can be found here.
The second brief in the series, SEL Frameworks – Practical Challenges and Opportunities, can be found here.